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Saatchi Gallery: Beyond Fashion Lates

Saatchi Gallery

As part of the Saatchi Gallery’s Lates series, we have a limited number of free tickets to their upcoming Lates events!


Beyond Fashion showcases the work of acclaimed fashion photographers from around the world. The works demonstrate how fashion photography has moved past the simple presentation of product lines to reflect on the reality of our lives, to explore our aspirations and to push at the boundaries of creativity.

From 31st may to 8th of September they will be hosting our new Major Exhibition Beyond Fashion

  • Please note, due to the nature of this exhibition there are some works that feature nudity, and risqué imagery which may not be suitable for all ages.
  • As this is an evening event it will feature a paid bar serving alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. 
  • The upcoming Lates and workshop dates are as follows:

Friday 31st May - Drag Life Drawing 

In this session we will be collaborating with drag performers who use performance, make up and fashion to challenge gender expression. Performers will be posing for a life drawing session open to all levels with basic materials provided and support from the Saatchi Gallery Learning team.

Friday 28th June - Botanical Drawing 

Try your hand at Botanical Drawing from a display of beautiful plants and flowers. Botanical artist and 2023 RHS exhibitor Rui Jiang will be present to offer advice and support along with the Saatchi Gallery Learning Team. Open to all levels with basic materials provided.

Botanical Printmaking

Using simple Mono printing methods and real plants and flowers, the Saatchi Gallery Learning team will support you to create beautiful plant prints in our learning Studio. Open to all levels with basic materials provided.

Friday 26th July - Drop in dance class

Take part in a drop-in accessible dance class inspired by the shapes created by the body in the Beyond Fashion exhibition. You will be lead through a series of techniques and stimuli by a professional dancer and have the opportunity to showcase your movements. Open to all levels.

Friday 6th September - Vogue Life Drawings

Vogue, or voguing, is a highly stylized, modern house dance originating in the late 1980s that evolved out of the Harlem ballroom scene of the 1960s. It is inspired by the poses of models in fashion magazines. Join us for a life drawing session in which models and an MC will perform and pose for you to draw, with support from the Saatchi Gallery Learning Team. Open to all levels with basic materials provided.

Please fill out the form below to register your interest in any of the listed lates. Please note, you must refill out the form with each persons information if you are looking for more than one ticket. Tickets are limited and will be based on a first come first serve basis. You must be between 13-16 and live or be in education within Westminster. 


Is the participant educated in Westminster?
Participant's Gender
Participant's Ethnicity
Does the participant have a disability? Disability is defined by the Equality Act as: 'a physical or mental impairment that has a 'substantial' and 'long-term' negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities'
Is the participant in receipt of free school meals?
What session are you interested in?