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City Lions Events Leadership Team

Have you ever wanted to plan an exciting event? Think you have the skills that will help get lots of people to come along? Have you ever wanted to gain skills in managing your own budget and co-lead on your own project; this may be for you!

We are offering you the chance to be part of a team of young people who  develop, manage and deliver their OWN events for other young people. You will be able to: 

  • Build your confidence
  • Develop your organisational and communication skills 
  • Boost your creative skills and help you to understand how creativity can benefit your future
  • Experience and develop your planning, budget management, promotion skills.  
  • Meet a network of creative & event experts to help with your future job opportunities


Meet with City Lion team members, and supporting organisations to have leadership and event planning sessions. As an Events team, you will meet and create an event of the team's choice that caters to the interest of all young people! City Lions will always be on hand to support. 

We will have recurring sessions, at a time that suits the group, to organise each event. 


            We will host a total of 3 events throughout this programme! 


                                        *Recent Updates*

During the summer we hosted our first event - A Celebration party for the cast & crew of an immersive theatre show in August, we will be delivering 2 more events later this year/early 2024! Additionally, we hold our meetings on Wednesdays (fortnightly), please see our key dates below: 


25th October , 8th November, 22nd November, 6th December 


            *This programme is being supported by Christie's London


Want to join the Team! Next Steps? 

Complete the form below

Please note, this programme is for young people aged 13 - 16 years old and who live and/or attend school in Westminster borough. If you have any questions you can email citylions@westminster.gov.uk 




Spaces are limited per project, we will let you know if you have been successful. 



Gender Identity
Does the young person participating have a disability or neurodiverse condition? Disability is defined as: 'a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on your ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities'
Does the participant have any support needs?
Does the participant have any medical needs (incl. any allergies or medication)?
Has the participant attended any City Lions event or activity previously?
Is the participant eligible for free school meals?
The reason for collecting this data is to inform you about this event and future events. Your data will not be passed on to any third parties and will only be used internally. Do you consent to this?
Where did you hear about City Lions Events programme 2023?