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Creative Collective 2025 Submission Form

Creative Collective is back for 2025!

Submit your artwork now for a chance to be showcased in public exhibitions around Westminster! 

We at City Lions, want to share and celebrate the creativity of Westminster’s brilliant young people and showcase their art, in all its different forms and demonstrate how creativity, can communicate and express opinions, thoughts and feelings. All too often the voices of young people go unheard. The Creative Collective is a chance for young people to use creativity as a tool to communicate. 

Each year, the Collective has different themes that we ask young people to respond to. Themes are determined by young people, as issues or topics they feel are important or relevant to their lives.

2025 Themes: 

  • The Future  
  • Our World 
  • Roots and Belonging 
  • Love & Unity  

Please note, our themes are open to interpretation, and we encourage you to respond to them in whichever way you connect to them the most. The descriptions here are offered as a starting point or suggestion to those who wish to use them.  

To submit, please complete the below form by 4th April 2025.

Please note this is a year long programme, public exhibitions will take place later on in the year. All work will be displayed on our virtual gallery, a selection of work will be chosen to be displayed public.

*This programme is open to young people up to the age of 18, who live or are in education within Westminster*


Is the participant educated in Westminster?
Participant's Gender
Participant's Ethnicity
Does the participant have a disability? Disability is defined by the Equality Act as: 'a physical or mental impairment that has a 'substantial' and 'long-term' negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities'
Is the participant in receipt of free school meals?
What theme does your artwork relate too?