Westminster Creative Collective

The Creative Collective

Creative Collective!

Submissions are now closed! View all the work submitted to this years collective here. 

We at City Lions, want to share and celebrate the creativity of Westminster’s brilliant young people and showcase their art, in all its different forms and demonstrate how creativity, can communicate and express opinions, thoughts and feelings. All too often the voices of young people go unheard. The Creative Collective is a chance for young people to use creativity as a tool to communicate. 

Each year, the Collective has four different themes that we ask young people to respond to. Themes are determined by young people, as issues or topics they feel are important or relevant to their lives.

2024 Themes: 

  • My Family: 

Family means different things to all of us, whether it is the family we have in our home or far away, our friends, or community groups we spend time with. What does family mean to you? Who are they? How do you feel about them? What are your collective values, hopes and dreams.

  • Self Portraits:

Questioning how others view us is common. But how do we see ourselves? We all have different sides of ourselves we want the world to see, and others we do not. What do you want the world to know about you? How do you view yourself? What is unseen to others around us? 

  • How I See The World:

The world is vast and diverse, it can be awe-inspiring, and it can be anxiety inducing. Sometimes we can feel joy at what we see taking place and at other times we can feel distressed or empathetic. How do you see the world? What emotions does it evoke for you? Can these change over time? Is how you view the world conflicting? 

  • Social Media:

Social media impacts us all and in different ways. It can be useful to connect us with friends or family who are far away and can help us access new information and learn new things. It can also leave us feeling isolated and alone and steal time away from our days. What comes to mind when you think of social media? Would you change how we use it? Do you want to see it used differently? How does it make you feel?  

We would like to thank Westminster Children’s Services, schools, libraries, the Archives Centre, The Saatchi Gallery and all our partners supporting this work. For any questions or enquiries, please email us on

Check out work submitted from previous years below:

2022 Submissions

2023 Submissions

2024 Submissions


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